Gustatores seruicie pro Anno Instante In ewyne quartar philp Dunbrek seriand' Williame spruty and Jonhne of cowys cunnaris In crukit quartar Duncan straloche seriand' Richerd talyour' and george Kerde cunnaris In grene quartar thomas Jamesone seriande george forestar ande philp clerk cunnaris In futy quartar Alexander allansone seriande Duncan henry ande Robert sleyche
the samyne day it was fundin ande deliuerit be ane suorne assis' alexander chamer forspekar that Jonhne Duncansone of banf sal fre and releyfe mastir Dauid mathesone of ane barrele of Salmond follouit be mastir Androu cadiow procuratour to Walter ogiluy of auchlevyne And thareftir thomas Jamesone seriande to remane within the tolbutht quhile he fande Souerte to freithe the saide Dauid of the said barrele of Salmond and of al skathis that happinnis the saide Dauid to sustene tharthrow
the samyn day comperit Jonhne of Culane ande gert warne thomas prat alexander chamer alexander menyeis and diuers' vthiris avand' fraucht to him ande dide his diligence to haue Justice of thame Ande the ballieis was redy to do Justice Ande gert Row ane assis' with avys' of the partyis ande chargit thome Jamesone seriande to warne the saide assis' to comper befor thame one monunday that next cumis
gregory In the bailye court of abirdene haldin the pennult day of marche the yer of gode jM iiijc and nyntj yeris thomas Jamesone officiare at commavnd of the balyeis chargit be his wande William gregory to remane within the tolbutht quhile he pait his vnlaw and fulfillit the ak maid obefor to thomas Waus and pay the gudis contenit in the samyn
chene Eodem die comparuit Isabella cheyne sponsa Johannis andirsone comparuit coram Andrea culane vno balliuorum in pretorio protribunali sedente et motu proprio ac sua pura et spontanea voluntate non vi aut metu duct' ut asseruit consensit et expresse assensit vendicionj et alienacionj vnius annuj redditus viginti duorum solidorum fact' per dictum coniugem suum curato et capellanis collegij ecclesie parrochialis de abirdene annuatim leuand' et exeuntis de tota terra sua tam anteriore quam interiore Jacente in le chakaraw inter terram altaris Sancti sebestiani ex orientali et terram quondam gilberti muresone ex occidentali partibus altera et terram domini de many verus austrum et communionem viam regiam versus boriam quamquidam vendicionem dicta Isabella nunquam in viduitate aut extra reuocaret clam vel palam sub penis periurij infamieque ac sub pena centum li' monete scocie fabrice ecclesie de abirdene soluend' Ad que omnia et singula premissa magnum corporale prestitit Jura cum expressatis Sacrosanctis die ewangeliis Testibus alexandro rede Andrea branche Andrea lammyntone thoma gledstane Roberto huchonsone philippo Dunbrek et thoma Jamesone seriandis