cunnaris cunnaris In the ewin quartar Williame spruty and Jonhne covys was suorne cunnaris chosin for this yer in the said quartar to pas' with thom morice byssat officiar of the samyn Ilkan oulk at the lest anys and to set it eftir thar knalege' In the crukit quartar George of Dys ande Williame belty was chosin and suorne cunnaris to pas' with Duncan straloche officar' of the samyn quartar In the grene quartar Williame Ray and Williame cuming' was chosin and suorne cunnaris to pas' witht thomas Jamesone seriand of the samyn quartar In futy quartar Thome narne and patrik baxtar was chosin and suorne cunnaris to pas' with Alexander' allane seriande of the samyn quartar for this yer'
the samyn day Richerd scot was conuikit be ane assise for the dispersoning of thome Jamesone seriand in word and to Amdene amend' as law wile
D menyes the samyn day Dauid menyeis eldar fand ane borghe in the handis of thome Jameson seriande that Jonhne Robertson Androw gray and Jhone Wawan producit thar be Androu Wentone sulde nor aucht nocht to be witnes in the actione debatabile betuix ellene his spous' ande the saide Androw for resonabile caus' that he suld allege protestand thar' deposiciomedeposicione turne him to nay preiudice
Androw Cantuly The samyn day Androw cantuly was callit and nocht comperit to ansuer tile ane borghe' strekit apone him be Dauid hile fo in the handis of thome Jamesone officiar for the wranguis' withhaldin fra him of xi stane of woll that he suld haf deliuerit to him at beltane bigan of the rest of ane mair some quhairfor the balyeis chargit to distrenye him and latt his pvnd to borghe gif it be askit and warne him to the next lauchfule court hireftir as secunde day of process'
Cantuly The samyn day Androu Cantuly callit and nocht comperit tile ansuer tile ane borghe' strekit apone him be Dauid hile in the handis of thome Jamesone seriande for the wranguis' withhaldin fra him of xi peter of wole of the rest of ane mair Some tharfor the balyeis chargit the saide officiar to distrenye him and latt his punde to borghe' gif it be askit and warne him to the next lauchfule day thareftir as the thride day of process