t Jamesone the said day It was deliuerit and ordanit be the balyeis and diuers' of the Consal that thomas Jamesone for the offence done to Isabell Waus sal sitt done vpon his kne and ask hir forgevnes And gif euire tha he committis ony offence be him self be his wyf or barnes that he may lett he sal neuir beir' office of this tone that beinge preuit to the quhilkis bath the said partiis was oblist be thar' handis vphaldin
Westlande traill Kennartj The saide day Jonet trale lauchfullie Callit and nocht comperit to ansuer' for the wranguyshaldin of Certan gudis of airschip fra Jonet Westlande and cristiane Westlande et cetera quharfor James of Kennarty hir Spous come Souerte be his hande vphaldin to caus' the saide Jonet to Entir befor the balyeis one friday that next Cumis and ansuer' perempturlie to the said' borghe and the balyeis with consent of the saide James one that ane part Ande Dauid talyour one that vthir part assignit the saide day to the saide James and Jonet to ansuer' perempturlie to the said' borghe'
Eodem die Archebaldus Wobstar conuictus fuit per assisam Juratam ex ore Johannis ruthirfurd' militis pro perturbio cristinj Jamesone et Idem cristinus pro perturbio dicti Archebaldi et dictus Archebaldus notator pro perturbio dict Insuper thomas pyll pro perturbio cristinum Jameson' et quilibet alteri emendabit ut Jura volunt
Jamesone Waus The saide day the balyeis assignit monunday that next cumis to Androw Jamesone to preiwe the iiijor barrelis tar' his firing of the quhilkis Richerd' Waus askit fraucht falyeing tharof to pay the fraucht of the said' iiijor barellis of tar'
Waus Jameson' The said day Androu Jamesoun' schipman grantit to pay to Richerd Waus fiwe s' iiij d' for the fraucht of tua barrell of tar' within viij dais And gif the said Androw preuis befor the skipper four' barrellis of tar than' the said Richerd sale pay the said v s' and iiij d' agane to the said Androw