Showing 86 to 90 of 110 results

coupar Eodem die accedens ad barram Willelmus coupar et protestatus fuit in forma iuris pro vno annuo Redditu xiij s' et quatuor' d' sibi annuatim debit' de quadam terra vasta Jacente in vico nauium ex orientali parte eiusdem inter communiones vias regias versus oriens' et occidens et le calsay exeuntem inter terram ipsius Willelmi et terram Richardi hile versus austrum Ad quam terram accedens nichil reperit distringibile preter terram et lapides quos ballivis in sacculo presentauit in curia tanquam primo die huius processus Testibus thoma glenmaluyn Willelmo cuminge et thoma Jamesone seriando

ID: ARO-7-0488-01, Volume: 7, Page 488, Date: 1494-01-13

Waus Eodem die accedens ad barram thomas Waus et protestatus fuit pro vno annuo Redditu vj s' et viij d' sibi annuatim debit' de quadam terra vasta Jacente in vico viridi inter terram thome gledstan versus occidens et communionem viam regiam versus oriens et terram ipsius thome Waus ex australi et terram Agnetis gilespy ex boreali Ad quam terram accedens nichil reperit distringibile preter terram et lapides quos ballivis in sacculo presentauit in Curia tanquam secundo die huius processus Testibus Roberto evinsone Willelmo gray scissore Willelmo cuminge et thoma Jamesone seriando

ID: ARO-7-0508-02, Volume: 7, Page 508, Date: 1494-04-07

dominus Willelmus Crukschank Eodem die accedens ad barram discretus vir dominus Willelmus Crukschank capellanus ac procurator altaris beati Duthaici infra ecclesiam beati nicholaij de Abirdene situati et protestatus fuit in forma iuris pro vno annuo Redditu quinque s' sibi et dicto altari annuatim debit' de quadam terra vasta Jacente in vico Superiore ecclesie inter terram thome prat ex orientali et terram thome mar' ex australi Ad quam terram accedens nichil reperit distringibile preter et lapides quos ballivis in sacculo presentauit in Curia tanquam secundo die huius processus Testibus gilberto gareaiche Alexandro horne et thoma Jamesone seriando

ID: ARO-7-0509-03, Volume: 7, Page 509, Date: 1494-04-07

Jamesone lammyntone The saide day Androw Alexander nachty sergeande at commavnd of the balyeis chargit be his wande thomas Jamesone to reman within the tolbutht quhile he pait xij s' and x d' to Jonhne of lammyntone quhilk he has resavit of his

ID: ARO-7-0528-04, Volume: 7, Page 528, Date: 1494-06-17

Androw michelsone The saide day gilbert gareauche and Williame moir' deponit the gret aithez that thai lauchfullie prisit ane Siluer spvne present to thame be Androw nachty seriand' pertening to thomas Jamesone to viij s' quhilk was plegit be the saide thomas to Androw michelson for v s' and x d' tharfor the balyeis ordanit the saide Androu nachty officiar' to offir' the saide Spvne to the saide Thomas And' the saide officiar' lauchfullie preuit that he hede offerit the saide spwne obefor' diuers' tymes to the saide thomas he payand the saide v s' and x d' quhilk he coud' nocht gett quhar'for the balyeis ordanit the officiar' to deliuer' the saide Spvne to the saide Androw michelsone and caus' him to tak the remanent of the Siluer of the saide Spvne and gif to the saide Thomas

ID: ARO-7-0540-05, Volume: 7, Page 540, Date: 1494-07-18