branche The said day thomas Jamesone at commavnd' of Jhone' menyes balye chargit Androw branche to remane within the tolbutht quhil he pait to Jonhne malisone xvj s' g' and viij g'
T Jameson the saide day thomas Jamesone officiar' in ane Amerciament of the court be his tounge graunt for the strubulance of the courtis to amend' as law wil and forber' in tym to cum
mar' Eodem die thomas mar' vocatus legittime non comparuit respondere plegio super ipsum porrecto per murdacum glenmaluyn pro iniusta detencione ab eo vij li' ad iustum calculum Igitur precipitur thome Jameson seriando ad capiendum districtum a dicto thome et eundum ad plegium dimitti si petatur et ipsum ad proximam Curiam legalem premunire tanquam secundo die huius processus
Kintor malisone Eodem die Dauid Kintor legittime vocatus ad respondendum plegio super ipsum porrecto per Johannem malisone pro iniusta detencione ab eo summe xliiij s' et vj d' pro aliis bonis et summis in eodem contentis non comparuit Igitur precipitur thome Jamesone seriando ad capiendum districtum a dicto Dauid et eundem ad plegium dimitti si petatur et ipsum ad proximam Curiam legalem premunire tanquam die huius processus
murray The said' day Thomas Jamesone seriande producit ane ringe of gold' prisit per certan suorne personis to xviij s' of Scottis money to the pament of certan annuele rent aucht to Androw murray eldar be Symon' gardin quhilkis Ringe the balyeis chargit the the saide thomas to offir to the said' Symond' gif he walde red the saide xviij s' And' gif he refusit to deliuer the said' Ring to the saide Androw for the said' xviij s' as it was prisit be the prisouris suorne tharto